Week Four
3 March 2011 / Communicative Theology, part one
Please read Scharer, Hilberath and Hinze, Communicative Theology.
Video resources:
Wesch, M. An anthropological introduction to YouTube.
Additional reading you might enjoy:
Anderson, E. Byron. "O for a heart to praise my God": Hymning the self before God." In Liturgy and the Moral Self, edited by Anderson, E. and Morrill, B. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, 1998. pp. 111-1125.
Bondi, Roberta. (1998) "Praying the Lord’s Prayer: Truthfulness, intercessory prayer, and formation in love," in Liturgy and the Moral Self, edited by Anderson, E. and Morrill, B. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, pp. 153-167.
Cormode, S. Making Spiritual Sense, Abingdon, 2006.
Mitchell, J. (2010). Media Violence and Christian Ethics, Cambridge University Press.
Scharen, C. (2008). Faith as a Way of Life, Eerdmans.
Sittler, J. (2000). Evocations of Grace, Eerdmans.
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