Ministry & Media Culture
EL4515 will meet on Thursday mornings, beginning February 8 from 8:00 am to 10:50 am in NW232. It can be used to meet ED2 requirements in the MDiv degree.
The following is a brief summary of the requirements of the course. There is a print version of this summary available online. Please note that eventually the most up-to-date and authoritative version of this information can be found at the wiki course website . There you will find the schedule, information, texts, goals, requirements, and other useful materials and resources. In particular, all of your classmates’ blogs are listed there.
Required texts: your course colleagues’ blogs, Engaging Technology in Theological Education (M. Hess), Here Comes Everybody (Clay Shirky), Communicative Theology (M. Scharer) and a variety of texts listed on the course calendar which can be accessed online during the term.
Required writing: a weblog (details will be shared in class) in which you reflect theologically on popular culture, and regular engagement with facebook
Required production: one storyboard presentation (most people use Keynote or PowerPoint to do this), and then one short video (details will be shared in class) in which you tell a story from/about a specific project (this year the MN Without Poverty project).
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