Required Texts
Berkman Cyberlaw project. "Enhancing child safety and online technologies"
boyd, d. (2009) "White flight in networked publics?"
Cormode, S. "Multi-layered leadership: The Christian leader as builder, shepherd, gardener"
Hess, M. (2005) Engaging Technology in Theological Education. Rowman & Littlefield.
Hobbs, R. "Digital and media literacy: A plan of action"
Jenkins, H. "Confronting the challenges of participatory culture"
Scharen, C. (2008). Faith as a Way of Life, Chap. 7, "Leisure and the arts" (on e-reserve)
Scharer, M., Hilberath, J. and Hinze, B. (2008) Communicative Theology. Crossroad.
Shirky, C. (2009) Here Comes Everybody. Penguin.
Recommended texts
Aaron, Charles. "Black like them," in Utne Reader, March-April 1999, pp. 68-73. Originally printed in Spin Magazine, November 1998.
Anderson, E. Byron. "O for a heart to praise my God": Hymning the self before God." In Liturgy and the Moral Self, edited by Anderson, E. and Morrill, B. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, 1998. pp. 111-1125.
Bass, D. (1997). Practicing Our Faith. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass. (Especially the chapter on discernment.)
Benkler, Y. (2007). The Wealth of Networks.
Bevans, S. (2002). Models of Contextual Theology. Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books.
Blair. C. (2001). The Art of Teaching the Bible. Louisville, KY: Geneva Press.
Blood, R. (2002). The Weblog Handbook: Practical Advice on Creating and Maintaining your Weblog., Perseus Books.
Bondi, Roberta. (1998). "Praying the Lord’s Prayer: Truthfulness, intercessory prayer, and formation in love," in Liturgy and the Moral Self, edited by Anderson, E. and Morrill, B. The Liturgical Press, Collegeville, pp. 153-167.
boyd, danah. (2007). "Viewing American class divisions through Facebook and MySpace ." Apophenia Blog Essay. June 24 . (for that matter, )
Brookfield, S. (2006). The Skillful Teacher. San Francisco: Harper & Row.
Clark, L, (2005). From Angels to Aliens: Teenagers, the Media and the Supernatural, Oxford University Press.
Cormode, S. Making Spiritual Sense, Abingdon, 2006.
Crowley, E. (2006). A Moving Word and (2007) Liturgical Art for a Media Culture
Hess, M. (eds) (2004). Belief in Media: Cultural Perspectives on Media and Christianity, Ashgate.
Hoover, S. (2006). Religion in the Media Age, Routledge.
Hoover, S. (ed) (2003). Media, Home and Family, Routledge.
Johnston, R. (2000). Reel Spirituality: Theology and Film in Dialogue. Grand Rapids: Baker.
McCloud, S. (1993). Understanding comics. New York: Harper Perennial. Chapter two, pp.24-59.
Medrano, A. (2004). "Making religious media: Notes from the field," in Belief in Media. Hess, Horsfield and Medrano (eds.), Burlington, VT: Ashgate Publishing.
MIT Press free series on Digital Media and Learning
Mitchell, J. (2010). Media Violence and Christian Ethics, Cambridge University Press.
Morgan, D (1999). Visual Piety: A History and Theory of Popular Religion Images, University of California Press.
Nakamura, L. (2002). Cybertypes: Race, ethnicity and identity on the internet. New York: Routledge.
Palmer, P. (1983). To Know As We Are Known. San Francisco: Harper & Row.
Palmer, P. (1998). The Courage to Teach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Pungente, J. and Williams, M. (2004). Finding God in the Dark. Boston: Pauline Books.
Rushkoff, D. (2010). Program or Be Programmed. Or Books.
Scharen, C. (2008). Faith as a Way of Life, Eerdmans.
Shirky, C. (2010). Cognitive Surplus: Creativity and Generosity in a Connected Age, Penguin.
Sittler, J. (2000). Evocations of Grace, Eerdmans.
Tanner, K. (1997) Theories of Culture: A New Agenda for Theology. Minneapolis: Fortress Press.
The Current’s production resources
The Elements of Digital Storytelling
Weinberger, D. (2002). Small Pieces Loosely Joined. Cambridge, MA: Perseus Publishing. Additional explorations available at:
Weinberger, E. (2008). Everything is Miscellaneous, Holt.
Wilson, L. and Jason Moore, (2002). Digital Storytellers, Abingdon Press.
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