Final Projects

Keep in mind that for most of us, this was the first time we had created a digital video. During the 2011 spring semester, the story pool we were asked to draw upon was anything/everything to do with the Minnesota Without Poverty project. We have embedded the videos below (where possible), with the author of the project under the video, hyperlinked to where that video lives online. Following the embedded videos we have a set of links to the other final projects (which we couldn’t embed here, due to technical issues.)

Sarah Anderson and Katy Warren’s project

Nick Clark’s project

Karen Gieske’s project

Lisa Hansen’s project

Nick Huseby’s project

Cara Knutson’s project

Zoe Kuester’s project

Jennifer Lathrop’s project

Darlene Olson’s project

Matt Orendorff’s project

Demelash Oumer’s project

Kristin Porath’s project

Jacquelin Rostad’s project

Tim Siburg’s project

Kara Wiechmann’s project

Randy Winsand’s project

Other projects can be found at the links below:

Frank Johnson’s project

Kirsten Laderach’s project

Nathan Strong’s project