Week Two
17 February 2011 / Representing Religion and Thinking Pedagogically
Prior to coming to class, please read Chapters 1 - 5 of Engaging Technology in Theological Education. In it you’ll find an explanation of the theory behind what we’re doing in this class, and some examples of weaving pop culture and theology together.
Please also make sure that you have set up a blog and begun posting to it. You might want to "wonder out loud" about your own learning goals for the course, your choice of pop culture "oeuvre," who you want your audience to be for your story video, and so on.
Helpful resources include: The Machine is Us/ing Us
Additional reading you might enjoy:
Brookfield, S. (2006). The Skillful Teacher. San Francisco: Harper & Row.
Clark, L, (2005). From Angels to Aliens: Teenagers, the Media and the Supernatural, Oxford University Press.
Hess, M. (eds) (2004). Belief in Media: Cultural Perspectives on Media and Christianity, Ashgate.
Hoover, S. (2006). Religion in the Media Age, Routledge.
Hoover, S. (ed) (2003). Media, Home and Family, Routledge.
Morgan, D (1999). Visual Piety: A History and Theory of Popular Religion Images, University of California Press.
Palmer, P. (1983). To Know As We Are Known. San Francisco: Harper & Row.
Palmer, P. (1998). The Courage to Teach. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
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