There are a variety of handouts and other resources I generally make available to students taking this class. Here, for the online version, I’m going to put them on this page and periodically refer you to specific pieces.
rubric for evaluating a portfolio
rubric for evaluating a learning unit
my "triads of learning" handout
my appreciative inquiry process
a useful and brief developmental chart
Benjamin Bloom’s C/A/P verbs
Jane Vella’s multiple intelligence verbs
Jane Vella’s 12 principles for learning
Definitions of spirituality and religious education
a rubric for six facets of understanding (Wiggins & McTighe)
understanding by design introduction
brief list of adult learning intentions
theological reflection with a commercial
theological reflection in context
Parker Palmer’s grace of great things
Parker Palmer’s paradoxes of learning design
Parker Palmer’s epistemological images
Selected quotations from Parker Palmer
Mary Boys’ mapping grid
Deb Bogaert’s Questions gone bad handout for writers of bible studies
Ways to engage the Book of Faith project
Bible study methods (a summary of various processes)
An example of putting together a handout for Bible study
Vicky Goplin’s curriculum evaluation handout
Vicky Goplin’s small group resource eval handout
Craig Dykstra’s evaluation as collaborative inquiry
a definition of a responsible imagination
a glossary of words important to our study in this class
an example of a scope and sequence chart for religious education
examples of learning goals for children in religious education
safe sanctuaries information about supporting children
resources for engaging in difficult conversations
becoming a faith formation curator
ELCA Youth Ministry Network guidelines and standards
John Roberto’s discussion of the eight driving forces
Lifelong Faith journal back archive
resources for engaging truth seeking and truth telling around the agony of Native American boarding schools in the US
Resources students have offered over the years
a short YouTube video featuring Sir Ken Robinson on education
a lecture on solitude and leadership
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