You have reached the website for the version of EL1515 that is taught on campus (the online version has its own website).
Here is a print version for J-term 2014, and a print version for spring term 2014.
These two books are required:
- To Know as We Are Known, by Parker Palmer
- Opening the Book of Faith, Jacobson, et. al.
Then you must choose one book from this list:
- Fashion Me a People, Maria Harris
- The Church as Learning Community, Norma Cook Everist
- Teaching the Faith: Forming the Faithful, Parrett, Kang and Packer
- Teaching as a Sacramental Act, Mary Elizabeth Moore
- Soul Stories, Anne Wimberly
And then you must choose another book from this list:
- Greenhouses of Hope, Baker
- Practicing Our Faith, Bass
- Finding God in the Graffiti, Rogers
I also recommend John Roberto’s book Faith 20/20: Designing the Future of Faith Formation.
As this is the first EL course in the MDiv sequence, you’ll begin to develop a portfolio using the educational leadership competencies. Here is the rubric I’ll use to evaluate that portfolio. We will work, during Jterm 2014, to explore how this work can be brought into the portfolio process of the new curriculum.
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