A PmWiki Archive
I started my site with Movable Type for blogging and PmWiki and Apple’s iWeb for most other pages. My blog has since since moved to WordPress and now to Jekyll. The pages in this “wiki” section of my website are my own PmWiki pages translated to Markdown files so they could be built as a part of what is now a Jekyll website.
Of course, this site is no longer an actual wiki. Still, the old URLs should reach the content of what was in the wiki.
- 10commands (CC/10commands)
- Digital Tech and Theological Education (CC/HomePage)
- Digital Tech and Theological Education (CC/HomePageTest)
- Institutional Support (CC/InstitutionalSupport)
- Media Production Resources (CC/MediaProductionResources)
- Sidebar (CC/Sidebar)
- Sidebar Test (CC/SidebarTest)
- Student Projects (CC/StudentProjects)
- Teaching Learning (CC/TeachingLearning)
- Tech Resources (CC/TechResources)
- Wabashonline (CC/Wabashonline)
- Wiki Playspace For Dismantling Racism (CC/WikiPlayspaceForDismantlingRacism)
- Workshop Brainstorm 09 (CC/WorkshopBrainstorm09)
- Absences (Courses/EL1515Absences)
- Assessment (Courses/EL1515Assessment)
- Bible (Courses/EL1515Bible)
- Choice (Courses/EL1515Choice)
- Choice Essay (Courses/EL1515ChoiceEssay)
- Choice Spirit (Courses/EL1515ChoiceSpirit)
- Choice Book Essay (Courses/EL1515Choicebookessay)
- Cluster Questions (Courses/EL1515Clusterquestions)
- Self Reflection Essay Instructions (Courses/EL1515Essay)
- Ethiquette (Courses/EL1515Ethiquette)
- Etiquette (Courses/EL1515Etiquette)
- Evaluation/Grading (Courses/EL1515Evaluation)
- Expectations (Courses/EL1515Expectations)
- How to use FeAutor (Courses/EL1515Feautor)
- How to contribute a resource to FeAutor (Courses/EL1515FeautorContribute)
- Some possible things to create for FeAutor (Courses/EL1515FeautorPrompts)
- Reviewing a resource (Courses/EL1515FeautorReview)
- Course Goals (Courses/EL1515Goals)
- History (Courses/EL1515History)
- Basic Information (Courses/EL1515Info)
- Learning (Courses/EL1515Learning)
- Mapping Exercise (Courses/EL1515MappingExercise)
- EL 1515 Navigation (Courses/EL1515Navigation)
- Welcome to Ed1 online! (Courses/EL1515Overview)
- Personal/Group Learning (Courses/EL1515PersonalGroup)
- Personal Essay (Courses/EL1515Personalessay)
- Portfolio (Courses/EL1515Portfolio)
- Requirements (Courses/EL1515Requirements)
- Resources (Courses/EL1515Resources)
- Ritual (Courses/EL1515Ritual)
- Schedule (Courses/EL1515Schedule)
- EL 1515 Test (Courses/EL1515Test)
- Texts (Courses/EL1515Texts)
- Week One (Courses/EL1515W1)
- Week Two (Courses/EL1515W2)
- Week Three (Courses/EL1515)
- Week Three Exercise (Courses/EL1515W3Exercise)
- Week Four (Courses/EL1515W4)
- Week Four Exercise (Courses/EL1515W4Exercise)
- Week Five (Courses/EL1515W5)
- Week Six (Courses/EL1515W6)
- Concluding Tasks (Courses/EL1515WC)
- Blogging in EL3517 (Courses/EL3517Blogging)
- Blogging in EL3517 (Courses/EL3517Blogging2013)
- Blogging in EL3517 (Courses/EL3517Blogging2013a)
- Week Three (Courses/EL4115W3)
- Blogging (Courses/EL4515Blogging)
- Final Projects (Courses/EL4515Finalprojects)
- Glossary (Courses/EL4515Glossary)
- Course Goals (Courses/EL4515Goals)
- How To (Courses/EL4515Howto)
- Basic Information (Courses/EL4515Info)
- Requirements (Courses/EL4515Requirements)
- Resources (Courses/EL4515Resources)
- Schedule (Courses/EL4515Schedule)
- Required Texts (Courses/EL4515Texts)
- Week One (Courses/EL4515W1)
- Week Ten (Courses/EL4515W10)
- Week Eleven (Courses/EL4515W11)
- Week Twelve (Courses/EL4515W12)
- Week Thirteen (Courses/EL4515W13)
- Week Two (Courses/EL4515W2)
- Week Three (Courses/EL4515W3)
- Week Four (Courses/EL4515W4)
- Week Five (Courses/EL4515W5)
- Week Six (Courses/EL4515W6)
- Week Seven (Courses/EL4515W7)
- Week Eight (Courses/EL4515W8)
- Week Nine (Courses/EL4515W9)
- Home Page (Courses/HomePage)
- Friends of Saint Joseph (Friends/Friends)
- Sidebar (Friends/Sidebar)
- 2013 Retreat at Timberlee (Friends/TimberleeRetreat)
- Planning for a Retreat at Timberlee (Friends/TimberleeRetreatPlanning)
- 060128 Agenda (OSRR/060128Agenda)
- 060128 Participants (OSRR/060128Participants)
- 060128 Questions (OSRR/060128Questions)
- 060128 Working Ideas (OSRR/060128WorkingIdeas)
- 060429 Pictures (OSRR/060429Pictures)
- 060429 Technical Issues (OSRR/060429TechnicalIssues)
- Administrate (OSRR/Administrate)
- Content (OSRR/Content)
- Eric Test (OSRR/EricTest)
- Open Source Religious Resources (OSRR/HomePage)
- Narrative Description (OSRR/NarrativeDescription)
- Sidebar (OSRR/Sidebar)
- Technical (OSRR/Technical)
- Theology (OSRR/Theology)
- Users (OSRR/Users)
- Callout (Promotion/Callout)
- Callout Test (Promotion/CalloutTest)
- Mary Hess 5 Year Review (Promotion/HomePage)
Teaching Resources
- Teaching Resources (TeachingResources/HomePage)
Tech Workshop
- Good Teaching Links (TechWorkshop/GoodTeachingLinks)
- Tech Workshop (TechWorkshop/HomePage)
- Just Playing (TechWorkshop/JustPlaying)
- Recent Uploads (TechWorkshop/RecentUploads)
- Resources For Doctoral Students (TechWorkshop/ResourcesForDoctoralStudents)
- Sidebar (TechWorkshop/Sidebar)
- Spectrum (TechWorkshop/Spectrum)
- Spectrum Contexts (TechWorkshop/SpectrumContexts)
- Spectrum Culture (TechWorkshop/SpectrumCulture)
- Spectrum Learningtheory (TechWorkshop/SpectrumLearningtheory)
- Spectrum Productivity (TechWorkshop/SpectrumProductivity)
- Spectrum Roles (TechWorkshop/SpectrumRoles)
- Spectrum Structures (TechWorkshop/SpectrumStructures)
- Spectrum Vocation (TechWorkshop/SpectrumVocation)
- Authors (Technology/Authors)
- Code Of Conduct (Technology/CodeOfConduct)
- Designs (Technology/Designs)
- Technology (Technology/HomePage)
- Persistent Identifiers (Technology/PersistentIdentifiers)
- Privacy (Technology/Privacy)
- Searching (Technology/Searching)
- Termsofuse (Technology/Termsofuse)
- Welcome Statement (Technology/WelcomeStatement)
- Loyola Visit Notes (Visits/Loyola)
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.