060128 Working Ideas


How to describe what we’re imagining?

Here’s one way of thinking about how this might work.

Steps for uploading materials:

  1. go to the website

  2. read through the Creative Commons license agreement and affirm that you hold the appropriate rights for publishing your material (this step would include filling out a webform where you note your name, address, contact information and so on)

  3. your agreement to the license would bring you to the next screen, upon which you would be asked the nature of your material (is it a bible study, hymn, prayer, and so on) (is it a .doc file, a .txt file, a jpg, etc.)

  4. filling out that form — which might be mostly a matter of choosing from pull-down menus — would then lead you to a form on which you could designate various categories — things like "liturgical resource" "christian education" "Year C" "epiphany" and so on

  5. completing that form would then lead you a page with instructions for uploading your material

Steps for reviewing materials:

  1. go to the website

  2. navigate (through the search engine, or direct link) to the material you wish to review

  3. click on "review"

  4. if this is your first review in the system, you’d have to fill out an information form with your contact information, etc.

  5. then you’d be directed to a box wherein you could leave your review, and you could also click on a number of "stars" (that is, 1-star, 2-star, etc.)

Steps for reviewing the reviewers:

  1. go to the website

  2. navigate either to the material itself, scroll down to the reviews and then click on the specific revew you want to comment on (you can see an example of something similar at Amazon.com) or navigate to the reviewing section of the website, where the list of reviewers is found

  3. here again, there will be a pull-down menu for "1-star, etc." and a way to leave more lengthy comments

Keywords and categories

Possible keywords and categories to index or search by (as a place to begin brainstorming)

Types of media:



Audio file



Types of material:

Learning unit



Bibliography or other reference


Planning chart (scope and sequence, etc.)



Intended for:



Young adults





Original language:

(just list them?)

Biblical text

(simply noting the text involved)

Faith community:

(what are the risks of a pull-down menu here vs. the risks of having people label themselves?)

Topics (collated together from a couple of hymnals to begin with): Advent, Affirmation of baptism, All saints day, Arts and music, Ascension, Ash Wednesday, Assurance, Baptism of our Lord, Burial, Caring, Celebration, Children, songs for, Christ the King/Reign of Christ, Christian hope, Christmas, Church, Comfort/rest/guidance, Commitment, Community in Christ, Creation, Daily life, Death and resurrection, Discipleship, Easter, Education, Epiphany, Evangelism, Evening, Expanded images for God, Faith, Family, Forgiveness/healing, Freedom, Gathering, Good Friday, Grace, Growth, Harvest, Heaven/Eternal life, Holy Baptism, Holy Communion, Holy Trinity, Hope, Hunger, Incarnation, Joy, Justice, Kingdom of God, Lament, Last times/Judgment, Lent, Life Together, Light, Love, Marriage, Mary, Mother of God, Maundy Thursday, Morning, Offertory, Palm Sunday, Peace, Pentecost, Pilgrimage, Praise, Prayer, Proclamation, Races and cultures, Reformation day, Saints Days, Sending, Service, Society/Justice, Stewardship, Suffering, Thanksgiving, Transfiguration, Trust/Guidance, Unity, Vigil of Easter, Vision, Watchfulness, Witness, Wonder, Word, Work, daily, Worship

Liturgical elements (also collated from hymnals): Acclamation, Affirmation of faith, Agnus Dei, Alleluia, Amen, Baptism, Blessings, Communion, Confession of sins, Daily prayer, Eucharistic prayer, Gathering, Gloria, Invocation, Kyrie, Litany, Offertory, Our Father, Post-communion prayer, Psalmody, Response, Sanctus, Sending, Table grace, The Peace, Trisagion