Welcome Statement


Please note: This is a DRAFT.

Welcome to FeAutor.org!

We are a group of people who have come together to support the sharing of religious resources using Creative Commons licenses. Some of us first met at a World Council of Churches consultation on intellectual property, and others through two planning meetings that a foundation helped fund (one in St. Paul, Minnesota in January of 2006, and one in Sao Paulo, Brazil in April of 2006). We are organized into working groups that anyone is free to join, including an administrative oversight group which is coordinated by Mary Hess. Most of us who started this project are members of Christian communities of faith, but we welcome participation from people of other faiths. If you speak a language that is not part of the navigation of this site, and would like to contribute a translation to make it possible to navigate in your language, please let us know.

More information about the site can also be found on our blog (http://www.religioused.org/osrrblog/), and an older wiki site we used at the beginning (</web/wiki/>).