060128 Agenda


Open Source Religious Resources Planning Meeting

28 January 2006

Please note that, with the exception of breaks and lunch, these times are flexible and we will do our best to support the flow of our conversation as it occurs.

ooooooooooo 8:15 amContinental breakfast available in Northwestern Hall conference room 9:00 amMeeting commences with a round of introductions 9:30 amWhat is this project all about, anyway? An introduction to open source theory in the context of religious communities 10:00 amBrainstorming, part one: types of materials (media formats, educational pieces vs. hymns, etc.) 10:30 amBreak 11:00 amBrainstorming, part two: labels — categories for finding materials (via lectionary text, via liturgical year, via ???) 12:30 pmLunch in the Olsen Campus Center 1:30 pmGeneral discussion: what do you think so far? What challenges will we face moving forward? 3:00 pmBreak 3:15 pmBrainstorming, part three: whom should we network with? Who are the “creators” of this material, and how will we find them? Who would be good “reviewers” and how will we find them? 4:00 pmGoing forward from here: how do you want to stay involved? How shall we publicize the request for proposals? 4:30 pmBreak 6:00 pmDinner at CafĂ© Biaggio