Race and Grace Workshop
This is a web page of resources that augmented a training held to support intergroup dialogue facilitation at Westminster Presbyterian Church in Minneapolis, MN.
- Debate.Discussion.Dialogue
- Dialogue Overview
- Dialogue Principles
- Difficult Conversations
- Facilitator Reminders
- Facilitator Role and Function
- Ground Rules
- Small Group Roles
- Top Ten Facilitator Qualifications
- Building Blocks of Dialogue
- Social Contact Slide Presentation
- Social Contact Survey
- Social Contact Survey Instructions
- IGD Training Slides
- Action Continuum Model
- Antiracism Book List
- Appreciation
- Is it Me poem
- Our Lenses
- Social Identity Groups
- Social Identity Profile
- Social Identity Wheel
- Strength Bombardment
- Ground Rules for 4 Corners
- 4 Corners Questions
- PrayerSlides
- Brave Spaces
- Blank CIQ sheet
- Benediction (Sr. Ruth)
- Benediction (Miller)
- Benediction (NZ)
- Haro Cycle of Liberation
- Beliefs and Behaviors
Resources Mentioned During the Workshop
- Facing Racism (PCUSA anti-racism study guides)
- Facing Racism policy approved in 2016
- Living Water, Living Stories (by Bebe Baldwin)
- Article from the May 2017 Oprah Magazine
- CNN video report on police shootings leading to tough talks about being black
- Van Jones video"cops, blacks both feel targeted"
- Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie TED talkon the "danger of a single story"
- Brene Brown TED talk on shame and her TED talk on vulnerability
- InsightNews
- Beverly Tatum
- Racism definitions
- Out of the Shadows exhibit at the University of MN
- Poverty & Race Research Action Council
- The Race Card Project
- Sr. Ruth Fox Benediction
- Robert Kegan and Lisa Lahey "How the way we talk can change the way we work"
- Stephen Brookfield’s work on learning through discussion
Resources From the Educators
- Nancy Rodenborg on the pedagogy of intergroup dialogue
- Vivian Jenkins Nelsen and her powerpoint on conflict
- and her powerpoint on cross cultural communication
- Vivian Jenkins Nelsen on "MN nice"
- Mary Hess
- Rev. Matt Johnson
- Ruby Brown
- Healing MN Stories
- Racial equity tools
- Race: The Power of an Illusion
- Teaching Tolerance
- Storytelling for Social Justice
- Sacred Conversation on Race (includes a really excellent resource guide for free download)
- Nat’l Ctr. for Cultural Competence
- Defining white privilege
- YWCA racial justice project
- Multicultural pavilion
- Racial Justice Collaboration in Theological Education
- Troubling the Waters: ELCA curriculum for white congregations
- Boston Review’s essential readings on white supremacy
- Racial justice principles for nonprofits
Demographic Sites for the Twin Cities
- Minneapolis/St. Paul neighborhood data
- Wilder Fdn. Research
- St. Paul Facing Race (St. Paul Fdn.)
- MN School Integration Task Force Report
Films That Are Useful
- The Color of Fear
- A Time for Burning
- Race: The Power of an Illusion
- Traces of the Trade
- Unfinished Business . Making Whiteness Visible
- A Good Time for the Truth
- Between the World and Me
- We Were Eight Years in Power
- The Cross and the Lynching Tree
- The Christian Imagination: Theology and the Origins of Race
- What Does it Mean to Be White? Developing White Racial Literacy
- "White fragility" by Robin DiAngelo
- "White religious educators resisting white fragility: Lessons from mystics" by Mary E. Hess
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