New Media and Faith
This webpage serves as an adjunct resource for a course which will take place at Luther Seminary during the fall of 2020.
Media culture, biblical narratives, faith formation, blogs, wikis, video, podcasts — what more could you ask for?
Here is a basic syllabus, but it is subject to change based on the students in the class and their specific contexts and vocations.
Useful resources that we may draw on include
- My HeinFry 2010 lecture
- RSS in Plain English
- Twitter in Plain English
- Wikis in Plain English
- Social Networking in Plain English
- Social media in Plain English
- Bibliography of social networking research
- Ushahidi
- Henry Jenkins’ media literacy in the 21st century
- Empowering parents, Protecting children
- Pew Research
- Digital Youth Research
- MacArthur Research
- An Anthropological introduction to YouTube
- TeachWeb2
- Information revolution
- Social media revolution
- Canonization of the Bible
- We first intro
- "The internet is my religion"
- Medieval help desk
- 10 commandments for a digital age
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