Educational Leadership
This is a web adjunct to a course taught at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, MN. These sites are contextualized during the process of the course, and should not be assumed to be recommended without critical engagement.
This is the foundational course to the MA in educational leadership. Take it first!
You can find the syllabus for this course, in .doc format by clicking here.
Basic education theories
- David Orr’s essay
- Parker Palmer’s essay
- More links to Palmer
- Palmer diagram
- Litchfield’s slide show
- An interview with Robert Kegan
- Another interview with Robert Kegan
- A transcript of a Kegan address to an Episcopal church meeting
- My convocation lecture from 2002
Denominational and other resources
- ELCA (Lutheran)
- USCCB (Roman Catholic)
- ECUSA (Episcopalian)
- United Methodist
- PCUSA (Presbyterian)
- Greek Orthodox
- Southern Baptist
- Unitarian Universalist
- CAJE (Jewish education)
- Links to publishers and resources for ministries with young people
- REA/APRRE(association)
- LACE (association)
- NAPCE (association)
- APCE (PCUSA association)
- NAIN (interfaith network)
Emerging projects
- Youth and Family Institute
- Workshop rotation model
- Faith Inkubators
- Godly Play
- Whole Community Catechesis
- A Way to Live (for teens)
- Practicing Our Faith
- MethodX
Interfaith resources
- GMI page on studying Islam
- My Neighbor’s Faith and Mine (WCC)
- Catholic Common Ground Initiative
- Center for Jewish-Christian Learning
- The Pluralism Project
- ELCA InterReligious Relations
- Public Conversations Project
- Kegan’s own handout on the five orders of mind
- Berger handout on key ideas in Kegan’s thought
- Definitions of religious education and spirituality
- Dykstra on "collaborative inquiry"
- Self-care inventory
- The Alban Institute report on leadership
- Other Alban reports
- Anderson and Foley handout
- Critical incident handout
- Vella’s principles
- MI verbs
- Ideas/feelings/actions verbs
- Boys’ grid
- Mary’s notes on Van Engen
Student chosen resources
- Ministries with young people
- Church of the Apostles
- Ending poverty
- Christian Classics Ethereal Library
- Synod Resources Centers
- . Faith Factors
- Exemplary congregations for youth ministry project
- USCCB schools and advocacy page
- ELCA education resources
- Icon gallery
- Lesson plans for small congregations
- Christian education planning guide
- An overview of Catholic social teaching
- Lutheran Association of Christian Educators
- UUA Families page
- Earthcare Online
- Earth Charter Initiative
- Basic Steps for Planning a Program Year (a pdf file)
- Installation rite for Christian Education volunteers (a pdf file)
- Faith at home
- Outdoor Ministries
- Lifeway teacher resources
General resources
- Resources for creating safe spaces (developed by the Episcopal Church’s program of ministry with young people)
- Christian leaders website
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