EL3530 Resources

This is a page of resources that was originally developed to augment the work of EL3530: Religious Education in Relation to Creation, a course that is taught at Luther Seminary. That course is no longer taught at Luther, now we are teaching its successor (EL4532), but these resources are still useful.

As you work on choosing the practice you’re going to try, there is a great set of "tip sheets" for various areas/practices at the Blessed Earth site.

We will work with the Lutherans Restoring Creation website, the Web of Creation website, and with the National Religious Partnership for the Environment website. The National Council of Churches eco-justice site, and the Blessed Earth site are also very useful, as is On The Commons, and Season of Creation.

A wonderful set of links and other resources specific to environmental education in Minnesota is also available.

Student projects

Here are some learning units developed by previous classes, prior to the development of Feautor.org. There are many other resources there, just search using "environment" as a keyword.

  • Debra Ost, a "Spirituality of Food Retreat" (agenda, goals, bible study, worship, Taize, retreat centers list)
  • Renita Eidenschink, "Connecting Nature with Scripture: A plan for children during Advent" (outline)
  • Emily Chrissis, "Caring for Creation," a First Article unit for confirmation that engages the environment (outline)
  • Molly Sasser-Goehner, "Food and Faith," an intergenerational learning unit for persons 8 years and older (outline)
  • Joy Norquist, "Caring for Creation," lessons aimed at Grade 2 through Middle School (outline)
  • David Smith,"An Environmental Component for Confirmation," (outline)
  • Amy Scaletta, "An Introduction to Natural Living," six units aimed at a family-based, or intergenerational group (outline)
  • David Sands, "Caring for God’s Temple: The Human Body," an adult learning unit (outline)
  • Karen Gutzman, "A Compost Project," a learning unit suitable for families, middle years kids, or an intergenerational setting (outline)
  • Sarah Pennewell, "Women Healing Earth: A powerpoint presentation." (presentation) (program)