New Media & Faith
This is a web page developed as an adjunct to a class taught at Luther Seminary in Saint Paul, MN. Please be advised: these sites are contextualized in my presentations, and are not meant either as definitive or endorsed without reflection.
Here is the syllabus for the course, but there are many more specific details to be found at the MyLutherNet course site (you must be enrolled in the course to access them).
Here is the page of student blogs and tackk intros from fall of 2013.
Here is the page of student blogs from the summer of 2013.
Here is the page of student blogs from fall of 2011.
We will be reading four books: John SeelyBrown and Douglas Thomas’ A New Culture of Learning, Howard Rheingold’s Net Smart, my own book, Engaging Technology in Theological Education, and Elizabeth Drescher’ and Keith Anderson’s new book Click2Save. Please read the MyLutherNet course site for instructions about what needs to read by when.
Useful resources that we may draw on include
- My HeinFry 2010 lecture
- RSS in Plain English
- Twitter in Plain English
- Wikis in Plain English
- Social Networking in Plain English
- Social media in Plain English
- Bibliography of social networking research
- Ushahidi
- Henry Jenkins’ media literacy in the 21st century
- Empowering parents, Protecting children
- Pew Research
- Digital Youth Research
- MacArthur Research
- An Anthropological introduction to YouTube
- TeachWeb2
- Information revolution
- Social media revolution
- Canonization of the Bible
- We first intro
- "The internet is my religion"
- Medieval help desk
Organizational and multiple author blogs
- Spotlight on digital media
- PBS Idealab
- Faith&Leadership
- Young Clergywomen’s Project
- PrayTell blog
- Rock&Theology
- ChurchCrunch
- Sightings
- ReligionDispatches
Church leader blogs
- Mad Preacher Liberation Front
- Norma Cook Everist
- Adam Copeland
- Jonny Baker
- Msp Basilica
- Bloom Church
- Cardinal Sean
- USCCB Media Blog
- Living Lutheran
- Lutheran Forum Blogs
- Chicago Archdiocese blog
- Cyberpilgrim
"Portal"-type sites
Curriculum resources
- Project Look Sharp
- CML Reading Room
- Carrie McLaren’s high school curriculum
- CML support for professional development
- Core principles of media literacy
Production resources
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