This is a page I’ve begun to accompany a course on Gospel and Media that I will be teaching at Seattle University’s School of Theology and Ministry in the summer of 2013.
Here is a draft syllabus for the class, but I reserve the right to edit it with the class once we begin our work together.
My presentation slides
- new learning culture
- reality exercise
- story circle exercise
- theological reflection with a commercial
Student blogs
- Jeny Carlson
- Jaime Yslas
- Alfredo Feregrino
- Irene Demaris
- Melissa Smith (Mia)
- Loran Lichty
- Marshan Moultry
- John Forman
- Christina Hendrick (Chrysty)
- Nydia Blood
- Mel Kroeger
- Linda Gasporovic
- John Ikiugu (Kirimi)
- An anthropological introduction to YouTube
- Darth Vader commercial
- “Jesus vs. religion”
- Catholic response
- Jim Gilliam’s testimony
- True Colors
- Information Revolution
- Social Media Revolution
- Garden of the Mind
- TV show community as postmodern
- Who wrote the Bible?
- Sue Crawford interview
- Richard Wilkinson TED talk
- medieval help desk
- Enter the Bible
- WorkingPreacher
- StoryingFaith
- catechesis 2.0
- e-catechist
- Odyssey ON videos
- Religion Dispatches
- On Being (with Krista Tippett)
- apps
- Kiva
- Kickstarter
- Square
- Razoo
- New Life Church
- Table Project
- CaringBridge
- MealBaby
- FoodTidings
- Health metrics (and maps)
Blogs to consider
- New Media Project at Union
- Ethan Zuckerman
- Call&Response
- State of Formation
- Jesuit Post
- RacismReview
- The Christian Imagination
- Here Comes Everybody
- The Penguin and the Leviathan
- Engaging Technology in Theological Education
- Net Smart
- Click2Save
- Media Violence and Christian Ethics
- Communicative Theology
- Making Spiritual Sense
- Digitizing Race
- Race After the Internet
- Converging on Culture
- Mashup Religion
- New Culture of Learning
Other web links
- Digital Africa
- Pew Internet Project
- Facing Race
- Racism and the Internet
- Global Voices Online
- danah boyd
- Social media policies for churches
- College Admins on twitter
- ON video
- Public Conversations Project
- PresentationZen
- Sparkhouse
- Lifelong Faith
- Creative commons
- FreeSound
- New Economics Foundation
- On the Commons
- State of the Internet
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.