Universal Basic Income Links
The web has proven to be an enormous resource for sharing materials! I can’t keep up with all of the wonderful things available, but I can at least point to some of my favorites.
General articles worth reading
- The latest report on the Canadian Basic Income pilot
- The Canadian Basic Income projects list of primers on the subject (note, this is not universal basic income but basic income alone)
- A great collection of articles from the Canadian Basic Income project
- A collection of articles from the Boston Review
- Basic income experiment in Ontario
- Silicon Valley on UBI
- Catholic thought on property
- Mark Zuckerman’s commencement address at Harvard
- Fast Company asks "is capitalism the real problem?"
- The poor need guaranteed income, not our charity
- "To my fellow plutocrats…"
- "The real future of work"
- A Basic Income Reading List
- The feminist case for a universal basic income
- BrainPickings on Leisure
- Universal basic bullshit
- How much is enough?
- An argument against UBI
Theological and faith community articles
- “Loving enough: Choosing universal basic income over the myth of individual wealth,” in Word & World, Vol. 42, #1, Winter 2022, pp. 45-55.
- Calling Luther to a labor ethic
- Economic Justice for All (USCCB statement)
- USCCB Labor Day statements archive
- Laudato ‘Si (Pope Francis’ 2015 encyclical)
- Roman Catholic teaching on international debt
- Can Catholic social teaching help solve the labor crisis?
Articles during 2024
- "What a big experiment giving money to parents reveals" (a vox explainer)
- "MN takes the lead in basic income for artists"
Articles during 2023
Articles during 2022
- Why not an abundance agenda?
- Universal Basic Income works — will the US ever embrace it?
- Minneapolis starts a limited pilot project
- Chicago’s project
- The International Institute in MN launches a pilot project for refugees
Articles during 2021
- Inside the nation’s largest guaranteed income experiment, Time Magazine
- The serviceberry, an economy of abundance, an essay by Robin Kimmerer that I first read in October of 2021
- Keynote sessions from the BIG conference
Articles during 2020
- A piece about Spain’s experiment with UBI
- Pope Francis says its time for a universal basic wage
- Movement4BlackLives Policy Platform
- Debt Resister’s Operations Manual
- "From banks and tanks to cooperation and caring"
- A people’s orientation to a regenerative economy
- Pathway to a people’s economy
- Centering the Margins
- Stockton’s basic income experiment pays off
- "It’s Basic" CBS reports on a new documentary
- 7 Economic fundamentals
- John Oliver’s exploration of TANF (temporary assistance to needy families)
- How racism wrecks the economy for everyone, which is Heather McGhee’s TED talk.
- UBI by Robert Reich
- presentation by Dr. Guy Standing "Common dividends and the politics of time"
- Vox explains basic income
- 10 misconceptions about Andrew Yang’s "freedom dividend"
- 8 common questions about UBI
- 10 reasons for basic income
- Halldora Mogensen TEDx talk on basic income
- Federico Pistono TEDx talk on basic income
- Medium’s list of TED talks on the subject
- A set of talks held at the University of St. MIchael’s College in 2016 on UBI
- a set of talks held in February of 2018 at the University of St. Thomas
- an interview with Annie Lowrey
- 10 questions for a participatory politics
- Center for Guaranteed Income Research at the University of Pennsylvania
- Pay transparency at Luther Seminary
- An inforgraphic on universal basic income
- Great visualization of wealth inequality
- The economic hardship reporting project
- Sonoma County "pathway to income equity"
- How to start a worker-owned co-op
After Piketty: The Agenda for Economics and Inequality, Heather Boushey, Harvard College, 2017.
Give People Money, Annie Lowrey, Crown, 2018.
Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for Free Society and a Sane Economy, Phillipe Van Parijs and Yannick Vanderbrought, Harvard University Press, 2017.
Economics for the Common Good, Jean Tirole, Princeton University Press, 2017.
Move Fast and Break Things: How Facebook, Google, and Amazon Cornered Culture and Undermined Democracy, Jonathan Taplin, Hachette Book Group, 2017.
No More Work: Why Full Employment Is a Bad Idea, James Livingston, University of North Caroline Press, 2016.
Raising the Floor: How a Universal Basic Income Can Renew Our Economy and Rebuild the American Dream, Andy Stern, Perseus Books, 2016.
Utopia for Realists: How We Can Build the Ideal World, Rutger Bregman, Little Brown & Co., 2017.
Viking Economics: How the Scandinavians Got it Right and How We Can, Too, George Lakey, Melville House, 2016.
With Liberty and Dividends for All: How To Save Our MIddle Class When Jobs Don’t Pay Enough, Peter Barnes, Berrett-Koehler, 2014.
Advocacy organizations
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