Tweets of the week
- We should not be surprised… but appalled, ashamed, chagrined, and committed to fighting this!
- Lovely set of examples of videos created by nonprofits to advance their mission:
- RT @ccerveny: Catholic media may be remedy for challenges church faces, says CNS head - - note last paragraph!!! 2017-02-28
- RT @ccerveny: “Introducing The OA for Lent” by @prkanderson interesting Lent experience. Check it out! 2017-02-28
- RT @JordanUhl: Wow. DeVos said HBCUs were “pioneers of school choice.”
No, Betsy, HBCUs were created because they HAD no choice. https://t…2017-02-28
- RT @jaweedkaleem: More than 90 bomb threats to Jewish institutions since 1/9. One of the latest was to the SF ADL this afternoon. https://t…2017-02-28
- RT @breyeschow: Love sees color and holds with care the history, complexity, joy, struggle, and beauty that lies within.…2017-02-28
- RT @thewabashnation: Here are 113 books and articles from our library on “#teaching #diversity and #justice”
- RT @RSitter: Trump wants a Canadian style immigration system? Good news! How about a Canadian style healthcare system too! #Jointsession#J… 2017-02-28
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