Tweets of the week
- RT @blackvoices: Emmett Till, who was lynched in 1955 at age 14, would’ve been 75 years old today.
- RT @kmoliver: “Our credibility as a movement will be damaged by booing, turning of backs, walking out or other similar displays” https://t.…2016-07-25
- Lovely reflection on Pokemon Go and divine love:
- RT @edrescherphd: That these #MothersoftheMovement can see gifts in such suffering is beyond overwhelming. This is the greatness of America… 2016-07-26
- RT @theferocity: DNC should’ve asked Lin-Manuel Miranda, Beyonce and Ta-Nehisi Coates to plan this whole convention *and* write all of its… 2016-07-26
- RT @cathleendecker: Clinton, as the first major party female nominee, is wearing white, the color of suffragettes. As did Gerry Ferraro in… 2016-07-28
- Was reminded again today of the useful appreciative inquiry resources for churches:
- RT @DrLeahGFrancis: Black Fla. Therapist who was Shot by Police Reunited with Autistic Patient via @TheRoot2016-07-29
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1 Comment
Dagmar commented on 13 August 2016:More than one kind of grape in the same bunch?