Tweets of the week
- RT @FemMajority: In honor of #InternationalWomensDay tmrw, here are 60 stunning photos of women protesting around the world:…2016-03-07
- RT @NajeebaSyeed: Krister Stendahl, “When trying to understand another religion, ask the adherents, not its enemies 2016-03-07
- RT @MMFlint: Here it is from Forbes: Bernie was for the auto bailout but against the Wall Street bailout: 2016-03-07
- Sonja vivienne: “intimate citizenship 3.0 — the sharing of private stories with networked publics as everyday activism” 2016-03-08
- Great children’s books with women at the center (celebrate women’s history month!):
- The radical work of healing:
- Confronting the ‘insidiousness of dominant solipsism’ — thanks Mai-Anh! 2016-03-13
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