Resources related to Charleston…
Our hearts are breaking… there are really no words to describe the latest act of terrorism to hit in the US. But words may be our most powerful immediate response as we gather and organize and respond. Here are some of the pieces circulating:
- Emmanuel AME’s 200 years of staring down racism
- more on Emmanuel’s history
- yet more on Emmanuel’s history
- historical context more broadly
- more on the 9 people murdered
- the 9 people brutally killed
- on righteous anger
- on racialized violence
- a prayer for Emmanuel Church
- a prayer from the metropolitan DC AME church
- questions white folk should be asking
- the cost of white comfort
- biblical resources for preaching
- a reminder of resources for preaching
- talking with children about Charleston
- a call to action from a “lilywhite mama”
- the #CharlestonSyllabus collection
- information on Denmark Vesey and more history of Vesey
- and yet more on Denmark Vesey
- resilience in the face of hatred
- from Rev. Waltrina Middleton
- the WCC’s condemnation of the mass killing
- ELCA statement
- statement from the Dean at Perkins/SMU
- Ella Baker Center statement
- COGIC statement
- 5 sentences that we must read
- Charleston shooter killed mostly Black women
- Blessed are the peacemakers
- Jon Stewart’s response
- Rev. Fakir’s response locally (Twin Cities)
- Juneteenth is for everyone (NYTimes)
- Charleston and the Age of Obama (New Yorker)
- terrorism in Charleston (New Yorker)
- Peter Marty
- call the shooter what he is, a terrorist
- one wildly different way a senator responds…
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