Seeing anew, remembering the risks
Here’s a challenging mash-up of the theme song from the hit sitcom Friends, with video of Adolf Hitler and his friends. I am fascinated by it, and I think part of what fascinates me is remembering that there is very little that differentiates him from me.
I think we like to think about Hitler as a monster, and put him so far beyond humanity that we see no similarities between him and us. But we need to remember that he — and tens of thousands of white Europeans with him — managed to convince themselves that Jews, Gypsies, GLBTQ people and so on were not people. So it becomes very dangerous for us to think Hitler was not a person. We should not do to him, what he did to people.
Seeing him in this light, with this music, provokes me to remember.
So this mashup is challenging to me for precisely that reason:
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