A theology of the cross for secular people?
Here’s a brilliant exposition — by a comedian, of all people — of the power of being alone and feeling one’s sadness.
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jenycarlson commented on 28 September 2013:I've seen this going around, and what strikes me is that it's a very extroverted world view. I enjoy my alone time, crave it. I fully feel my sad moments and have those spaces of isolation because for me, they are like breathing. My phone and how I use it is irrelevant because my very nature puts me in a space that extraverts avoid whether they have a mobile device or not.
Fair enough -- I think you're probably right! But I also think that giving young kids phones before they've had a chance to learn self moderation (in the sense of sensing their own feelings, and engaging them directly) can be problematic. I thought he did a good job of pointing that out.