10 years on…
Years ago I remember someone commenting to me that my blog was not explicitly Christian enough, which comment got me into a long discussion about what it means "to be Christian." We’re talking about gospel in the media and culture class this week (check out the many wonderful blog posts!), and it reminded me of that long ago conversation.
Today is the 10th birthday of this blog. In my reminiscing I was intrigued to discover the myriad pieces I had written that included "Jesus" in the text. And then there were all of the pieces — many quite different — that included "Christ" in the text.
But mostly, if you were to read all that I’ve written over the years in this blog, you’d discover my passion for justice. When I think of "gospel" I return, over and over again, to definitions of that term that are embodied, enfleshed, alive in action. My favorite bible verse? Micah 6:8.
This blog began in the early days of the war in Iraq, and here we are, ten years later, still at war in Afghanistan. Surely the gospel calls us to be peacemakers? Surely a faith, whose primary human face is a crucified criminal, calls us to live in justice and peace?
My prayer these past few weeks is drawn from a David Haas song, the lyrics of which are: "fill our minds that we may know your wisdom, touch our lips that we may speak your truth, hold our hearts that we may always follow you, come now O Word of God."
The world cries out. I cry out. Come NOW, O Word of God.
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Lisa commented on 07 March 2013:Sounds to me like justice is a vocational directive for you... Thought that yesterday too in discipleship as I listened to you speak.
It's a faith direction for Catholics!
I ran across this on youtube and thought of you-enjoy! Blessings Lori