Advent begins again today
I love Advent. I think it’s my favorite season of the liturgical year. This morning I was blessed by the liturgy at St. Kate’s here in town. We sang many of my favorite Advent hymns, and remembered that God’s justice emerges in our midst over and over, even when we can’t in our human fraility see it. I love the words of Therese Sherlock, CSJ that we pondered:
In our experience of being alive, we find God within us. In turning to one another and bridging our separate selves, we find God among us. In experiencing our human limits we find we have heart and hope for mystery -- God beyond us. The God of our beginning is the God of all we will become. In Jesus we find God incarnate among us and recognize the holy in him and in our human selves.
We also remembered that love cannot be silenced. Here's a tribute to the work of nuns in our midst, with that theme as it song:
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