Boycotting the Basilica block party, cont.

There is more discussion popping up around the web concerning boycotting the upcoming Basilica block party. I’ve written about this before, but this evening I posted a comment in response to Jamrockstar’s entry, and thought I would repeat it here.

Dear Melissa,

My partner, Eric Celeste, pointed me to your blog. I really appreciate your willingness to state your beliefs about this issue so clearly. But I’d like to suggest that boycotting the block party is actually a very effective move at this point, and I urge you to reconsider. Boycotts are a political tool that are most often used in situations where people have few other options, except economic ones, to make their point. That’s where we are right now in relation to the issue of gay marriage and our church.

I, too, am Roman Catholic. I am also a member of the Catholic Theological Society of America, and a tenured professor at Luther Seminary. I have worked, as have many other professional theologians and active laypeople, to change the mind of the hierarchy on these issues. We have had no success in doing so. No matter how cogent our arguments, no matter how traditionally based, the hierarchy refuses to hear the voice of the people, the “sensus fidelium.” One of the very few things that might stand a chance at this point of getting through to them, is a clear sign that a younger generation will refuse to cooperate. The Basilica Block party is one of the most visible outreach efforts to young adults that the church has in the Cities. Refusing to be a part of it sends a clear message.

By all means, give money to St. Vincent de Paul. Even send money directly to the Basilica restoration fund, marked as such. But keep in mind that a certain percentage of every budget of every church in the diocese goes to the central office. The archdiocesan finance council has very little transparency, none of us can know for sure what those funds are spent on. Until that changes — which in itself would be a great thing — we have to assume that any money that goes to a local church will in some way support the hierarchy’s efforts. Indeed, that’s only appropriate.

So please, consider standing upon your convictions and demonstrating the truth of a Gospel that calls us all to care and love each other — boycott the block party.