Boycotting the Basilica block party

This is interesting! There is apparently a growing movement to boycott the Basilica block party here in town. That block party is a major form of outreach to the young adult community here in the Cities, and has been lauded for making connections between a community of faith and young adults. I think the boycott is quite a brilliant move, actually, because the young adult demographic tends to be the one that is most in favor of same sex marriage — which is a position exactly the opposite of our hierarchy’s stand. For the archdiocese to feel the effects of its position in its pocketbook might actually have a chance of making a difference.

I suspect that it would help if young people boycotting the party contribute the funds they would have spent to the charities the party also supports. That way ALL of their funds would go directly to the charities, with nothing funneled off to support the archdiocesan lobbying efforts.