Finding fun things at Feautor
This is a crazy, busy time of year for me because I’m coming off of two intensive J-term courses, and starting up three new spring courses. As always, I’m hurrying to get my grading done. One of the more enjoyable aspects of that grading, particularly in relation to my introductory ed course, is discovering neat things that my students have created and published at Feautor. For instance, here is an original setting of the liturgy with a contemporary twist to it — the music, the guitar chords and an audiocast are all available at Feautor. And here is a lovely plan for a children’s sermon on the Good Shepherd that involves lots of movements amongst the congregation. Here is a great design for helping kids understand Ash Wednesday. Here is a nice, short plan for helping people choose a Bible translation.
And here is a moving media piece about a church service/mission trip to Mexico.
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