Substantial things we can do to help in Haiti
Here’s a list that seems substantial and long term to me, and thus a really strong way to help. It requires substantial lobbying from us, in the states, to our government — but we can do that! The list includes:
- Allow all Haitians in the US to work. The number one source of money for poor people in Haiti is the money sent from family and workers in the US back home.
- Give Haiti grants as help, not loans. Haiti does not need any more debt. Make sure that the relief given helps Haiti rebuild its public sector so the country can provide its own citizens with basic public services.
- Prioritize humanitarian aid to help women, children and the elderly. They are always moved to the back of the line. If they are moved to the back of the line, start at the back.
- President Obama can enact Temporary Protected Status for Haitians with the stroke of a pen. The US has already done it for El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Sudan and Somalia. President Obama should do it on Martin Luther King Day.
- Respect Human Rights from Day One. The UN has enacted Guiding Principles for Internally Displaced People. Make them required reading for every official and non-governmental person and organization.
- Release all Haitians in US jails who are not accused of any crimes. Thirty thousand people are facing deportations. No one will be deported to Haiti for years to come. Release them on Martin Luther King day.
- Require that all the non-governmental organizations which raise money in the US be transparent about what they raise, where the money goes, and insist that they be legally accountable to the people of Haiti.
- Treat all Haitians as we ourselves would want to be treated.
Here’s another post that reminds us to be “gender-responsive” in our aid.
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