Another way to support Haiti

I asked one of my friends and colleagues, who has worked in partnership with local organizations in Haiti for years, to give me some sense of whom I ought to be sending money to. Of course, he started by saying this:

I’ve been suggesting people give to any of the large-scale emergency response efforts through organizations like the American Red Cross, UNICEF or Lutheran World Relief.

But upon further thought, he added this:

In case you haven’t already donated somewhere or want to give more, I’m selfishly asking you to consider giving to a smaller ministry in PaP called Heartline which is where my best friend was helping on Tuesday when the earthquake hit. They are doing many of the same things the larger organizations are doing, but the money they have is also providing food and water for the people currently staying with them (adults and children, missionaries and haitians), as well as gasoline (which is in extreme shortage) so that they can get to other parts of the city to attempt to find out the condition of various projects and report back to the countless Americans who have contacted them begging for information about their family who are serving in Haiti. They have set up the site for donations.

He also recommended this blog.