Wonderful student work

Evaluating student portfolios is always a task I both look forward to, and in some ways dread. It’s always great fun to discover powerful student work, and to thrill with students who have engaged a class fully and really soared with the learning. And it’s very hard to read work that is superficial, or that appears to be that of a student who never fully engaged, or even threw away possible ways to learn.

I’ve been working through a huge stack of portfolios from my first half of the term ED1 class, and I’m glad to say that I’ve had more joy than sorrow/frustration this time around. Two pieces in particular I want to share with people. The first is a song that Tyler Beane wrote, building on Colossians 3. It’s a lovely melody, great lyrics, and includes the guitar tabs. What a gift! The second is a short video Mary Stoneback created to explore the Trinity, by putting together various Christian statements — the Apostle’s Creed, the Lord’s Prayer — shared in many, many languages, and woven together with music and image. It’s really quite powerful, and since I know many of the faces in the film, even more moving to me, personally.

I suppose these are also examples of how much I’m enjoying being able to share the Feautor site with students through course assignments. It’s GREAT to be able to share some of their best work with the world, rather than being one of the only people to ever see it.