Call a Canadian
I think this might be kind of a fun idea! I don’t know if I have the guts to try it (I’m not really into cold calling), but I think this has the kind of randomness that could be encouraging:
Want to know what universal single-payer health care is really like? Do people die on gurneys waiting for operations? Would you pay through the nose in taxes? Is it really worry free? Instead of listening to “experts” from the health insurance industry, lobbyists, the government, or even Michael Moore, why not call an average Canadian and find out for yourself?Substitute your area code for a Canadian one listed below and call your own phone number. Introduce yourself and ask the person at the end of the line what they think about their health care system. Ask about their own experience. The service, the price, the choice, whatever.
Then make up your mind if single-payer universal health care is a good idea for the USA.
Canadian Area Codes:
709 Atlantic Time plus a half hour
506 and 902 Atlantic Time
819, 418, 581, 450, 613, 514, 438, 343, 416, 647, 905, 289, 705, 519, 226, 807 Eastern Time
204, 306 Central Time
867, 780, 587, 403, 587 Mountain Time
250, 778, 604 Pacific Time
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