A prayer for today
Mindful of all that is happening (both here in MN and ND) and around the world, here’s a lovely litany:
God who dwelt on earth with no home to call your own,Have mercy on all who are homeless and without shelter today.
God, who lives amongst us, hear our prayer.
God who was despised, rejected, and spat upon by those in authority,Comfort all who are cast by the wayside and ignored today.
God, who lives amongst us, hear our prayer.
God who offers abundance and plenty where we expect scarcity,Provide for all those who are hungry and in need of food today.
God, who lives amongst us, hear our prayer.
God who promises security and safety when we expect turmoil,Provide for all those who have lost jobs and are forced into homelessness today.
God, who lives amongst us, hear our prayer.
God who grants us rest in face of our fears and anxieties,Provide for all those who are anxious about finances today.
God, who lives amongst us, hear our prayer.
God who provides community for all who are alone and abandoned,Provide for all who feel abandoned and uncared for in these troubled times.
God, who lives amongst us, hear our prayer.
God who is always in control even when nations shake and economies crumble, Fill all who are empty and rescue those who are enslaved by debt.
God, who lives amongst us, hear our prayer.
Pause to offer your own prayers for the lost, the lonely, the hungry, the anxious and displaced
God, you see the unlovely in all of us, yet you still love us. You ask us to reach out with your compassion to all who are unlovely. Open our eyes so that we can see beauty in all people and practice your hospitality, particularly to those homeless and faceless ones who are usually over-looked or ignored by us and by our society.
Source: Christine Sine (adapted version) via Mark Bushor
Hat tip to TheCorner.
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