Missional leadership through children’s ministries

We work a lot on missional leadership issues at Luther, and it always surprises me how few of my colleagues (students and faculty alike) think about the missional elements of children’s ministries. There’s a dynamic discussion taking place on one of the listservs I subscribe to that’s been talking about VBS (otherwise known as "vacation bible school") and someone just made a comment I want to share. Since I don’t yet have this person’s permission, I’m going to quote them anonymously. A senior full-time Christian educator writes:

If VBS for your congregation reaches ONLY your regular members than I too would question the reason for continuing. However I see repeatedly that when there is a focus on inviting our neighbors and their friends great things happen. And in coming years we hear from parents and pastors, “I’m here (in the church) today because I was invited to VBS!”When the leader(s) of a VBS make a commitment to actively encourage extending the invitation I have seen VBS’s grow from 35 - 100 and up to 300+. In today’s world we do a lot for the children. VBS is one of them.