Palin and Rice, something in common?

Here’s an interesting analogy: Sarah Palin and Condi Rice. In particular, I like the conclusion:

I hate when people say Sarah Palin is not a woman, or she is a tool of the patriarchy, or any of the other non policy related attacks I’ve seen leveled at her from all kinds of places. But that doesn’t mean you need to start sipping the “this is a victory for women” kool aid. It isn’t. Sarah Palin does not magically become a champion for all women, everywhere, just because she happens to be a woman in a position of power. In this election, people need to understand to vote with their interests, not the symbolic interpretation they may hold of a certain person. Listen to the words people speak. Watch the actions that they take. But don’t let your own ideas on who that person should be mask who they really are. [my emphasis]