Employee free choice act
Given all of the media static these days, it can be hard to pay attention to some of the work that Congress is actually trying to get done. One piece of legislation worth enacting is the Employee Free Choice Act. You can tell it’s real change, because of the sheer amount of money the big corporations are using to fight it. But here’s a fun way to get people thinking about what unions have already accomplished for ALL workers, and why we should support their efforts to unionize.
Once you’re done smiling, here are some articles about it, and perhaps you can sign the petition.
- The Law that Could Give Labor Some Brawn — Moira Herbst, Business Week
- Happy Labor Day. Drop Dead. — Thomas Frank, Wall Street Journal
- Wal-Mart Warns of Democratic Win — Kris Maher, Wall Street Journal
- Inside the Mind of Union Busters — Art Levine, Today’s Workplace Blog
- Wal-Mart’s Desperate War Against Unionization — ZP Heller, Brave New Films
- Employee Free Choice Act Summary — American Rights at Work
- In Fight Over Law Securing Workers’ Right to Organize, Corporations Bill Themselves as Underdogs — David Sirota, AlterNet
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