For once, it checks out

Frequently I receive notes via email that have been forwarded on about various topics. There were MANY such notes during the primaries about Sen. Obama. One of the first places I’d check to see if they were credible is the site. This is a very useful site for checking out any kind of popularly forwarded email (you know, like the ones that claim a 4th grader is seeking help on a homework project). Most of the time Snopes points out that these emails are hoaxes, but here’s one that they checked out that actually came from the person it is purported to. Given that it was written by a long time resident of Wasilla, AK, I thought it was interesting. (Hat tip to Catrina)

Incidentally, if you’re interested in fighting smears specific to Sen. Obama, the FighttheSmears site is a great place to start.