July 28th invitation

If you live in or near the Twin Cities and are interested in some of the things I talk about in this blog, you’re welcome to join me for a meeting on July 28th at Luther Seminary to talk about digital story-telling and faith formation. Here’s the more formal invite I just sent out:

Dear colleagues and friends,

Some of you have heard me mention over the past several months my enthusiasm and excitement over the ways in which digital story-telling helps to give voice to disparate groups of people, and individuals. I’ve been particularly interested in the ways in which such story-telling might have an impact on, or contribute new insights to, faith formation processes.

Others of you are simply people I’ve run into over the last couple of years who have expressed some interest in the intersection of media and religion; or people who’ve come to a workshop I’ve done.

I have an invitation to offer to you: I am inviting all of you (and you should feel WELCOMED to invite others) to a meeting at Luther Seminary on July 28th at 10:30 am to talk about these issues. I’d like to get all of you in a room together, and simply have you each introduce yourselves. That alone is probably reason enough to meet! But I’d also like to share some of my own ideas about how digital story-telling and faith formation might go together, and ask for some brainstorming help on finding other people/groups/organizations locally who might be interested in participating in a participatory action research project around these themes.

Coming to the meeting does not commit you to anything, other than introducing yourself.

I hope you’ll consider this invitation! Let me know if you have questions or concerns, and if you’re able to come.

Mary Hess

1 Comment

bethlewis commented on 09 July 2008:

Count me in! Where on campus? Thanks!
