Climate healthy food choices

Links to studies about where and what foods might be best for the environment. Summary quote: "To summarize the findings: all else being equal, locally-grown food is friendlier to the climate than food grown half a continent away. But if you’re looking for a single food choice that will help curb your climate impact, your best bet is to stay away from cows!"

To a girl like me, home-grown on Wisconsin dairy, this is hard. But maybe worth trying for?

1 Comment

hessma commented on 10 June 2008:

From Tim Bulkeley (because for some reason my commenting isn't working!?): Barbara recently went (almost) dairy-free, it seems some component of (cows) milk increases her mucus production, giving her sinus problems and a persistent cough. She uses Soya milk, I use only a little milk anyway. Cheese is the biggest problem - we never used much butter and use oil for most cooking.

We have also been cutting our meat eating - which had grown over the years with children from occasional to frequent. A mixture of more fish, more tofu (coated in rice/wheat mix batter and deep fried) and lots more curries (which work well as dairy free vegetarian). Extra mushrooms and less meat also helps...

I suppose we "should" just go vegie, but frankly it is much like going TT, the aura of moral superiority is one I'd hate to have to cultivate ;-) so for now it is almost no dairy and less meat.

Incidentally I'll be posting a couple of superb meat free recipes from Burma to my blog as soon as I get decent photos.

God bless,
