Creative worship tour
This is interesting: some folks from Augsburg Fortress are about to set off on a tour to discover what they can learn from creative worship across the country. One member of the team, Logan Wang, is an extraordinarily talented guy who was a student a while back (that’s how I grew to know his work). That he’s involved is one major reason I’m going to pay attention to how this process plays out.
Yet another reason I’m interested, is that they’ve set up a Ning site (social networking) both to blog, and to provide space for people to upload examples. I’m not sure where AF is going with this, but it sure looks like a promising and innovative beginning!
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parriottl commented on 02 June 2008:Mary, Thank you for posting about the new blog and worship tour. We're excited to find out what churches are doing. Logan is all that you say he is and more! But don't tell him that; he's already a handful to supervise. Actually, we have you to thank for bringing him to our attention when he was graduating from seminary. We've never looked back.
Grace and peace,
Linda Parriott
Director of Publishing Services
Augsburg Fortress
Yes, indeed, thanks for picking up on our exciting new venture, Mary! We are having so much fun. We are connecting with new people, learning from them, etc. Please keep introducing us to those bright students and former students of yours! Whether as staff members, freelance writers, web consultants, or whatever....we love meeting them and inviting them to help us create great resources for the church.
Beth Lewis,
President & CEO
Augsburg Fortress