More on Obama and faith

TheCorner has a nice round-up of links and video having to do with the controversy surrounding the Rev. Wright. I frankly think it’s fascinating how interested people are — and have to admit, much of Rev. Wright’s denunciation of racism and imperialism resonates with me. Prophetic speech is never easy to hear, and much that Jesus calls us to is particularly hard for white middle class Americans to encounter. It’s important to remember, in the midst of all this controversy, however, that neither Barack Obama nor Hillary Clinton is the messiah. Ultimately it’s GOD to whom we must turn, and God’s call we must heed. Here in the midst of Holy Week, let’s keep our eyes, our ears, our hearts and our minds open to listening.

1 Comment

Dagmar commented on 18 March 2008:

prophetic speech does not have to be hateful. jesus focused on blessing the poor rather than cursing the rich and i suppose we can count him among the prophetic voices in human history? to curse folks in the name of jesus is ludicrous at best may fill in your own other options.

furthermore if hillary's followed a female christian guru and such a minister were to curse all men for raping and opressing women all over the world and throughout human history, i am sure they might at best consign her ( the minister that is) to the closest in patient unit.

just remember what the christian right called hillary when she dared to simply invite and befriend jean houston?

or what most thought of nancy raegan when she chose to find safety for herhusband in consulting astrologers.

i for one believe we all have the right to worship what we want, follow whomeever we want to follow , yes, even sleep with anyone willing to sleep with us or divorce one or two or more spouses? but at this moment in history i am also am glad that we are all entiteled to be made aware of all of the above. its just all part of the personal/political mix that helps us discern who "our" choice for president will be.