622, EMID loves you!

Our kids are both enrolled in EMID schools (Harambee is the elementary, Crosswinds the middle years program). These schools have been cherished places of learning for us, and the philosophy behind the east metro integration district (inviting integration, rather than forcing desegregation) is one we value highly.

Recently we learned that district 622 (which includes North St. Paul, Maplewood and Oakdale) is considering withdrawing from EMID. They seem to be rushing towards a decision, and I would hope that anyone reading this — or knowing of anyone who lives in 622 — might be willing to urge them to slow down and take their time. 622 leaving EMID would have huge consequences, not necessarily positive, for EMID.

1 Comment

efc commented on 20 January 2008:

Mary, we have now created a parent-run website for communicating on the EMID/622 situation. There are some wonderful letters among the "Sample Letters" there. Check out http://emidfamilies.org/622 for more information.