DailyKos on Huckabee

I suspect there’s going to be a lot of new analysis of Huckabee, after his solid win last night in Iowa, and one thing I’m going to be watching closely is how the religious element is handled. But here’s already an interesting post up at DailyKos, which points out — respectfully and with admiration — that Huckabee’s supporters are an energized, grassroots base:

“One thing that’s fascinating about the Huckabee victory in Iowa is that the movement that propelled him to victory — his Evangelical base — is truly a cousin to our very own people-powered movement. Think about it — these are people that have been taken for granted by the Republican establishment, exploited and overworked, only to receive crumbs and empty rhetoric in return. Sick of being marginalized except when needed (election time), they have taken matters into their own hands and — without money or “professional” organization, propelled their candidate (one of their own) to victory.

I think there’s something very important about this observation, and those of us who are not comfortable with Huckabee’s specific brand of evangelicalism, but nonetheless have a desire to make a political difference that grows out of our theological convictions, need to pay attention.