Cell phone tips

Ok, so I don’t usually believe this kind of thing, but the following tips on using a cell phone are pretty intriguing — not the least being using it to unlock your car from a remote distance. Anybody know if that one works? I’d try it myself, but I’m at AAR/SBL in San Diego, nowhere near my car.

1 Comment

efc commented on 19 November 2007:

Um, not quite. As I am fond of pointing out, checking Snopes.com is a great way to confirm this sort of info before passing it along. In this case see http://www.snopes.com/inbox....

Meanwhile, my favorite cell phone tip of late is Google 411. Google has a new free service (well, like anything else on a cell phone, you do pay for minutes) at 800-GOOG-411 that provides terrific info on businesses and even connects your call (so you don't have to write down a number then dial it). Give it a try some time.