Statistics worth attending to
Here’s a piece that simply lays out the numbers about the ways in which wealth is being redistributed from the poorer to the richer in the US. It’s chock full of things that outrage me. Here are just two:
“In 1982, when the Forbes 400 had just 13 billionaires, the highest paid CEO made $108 million and the average full-time worker made $34,199, adjusted for inflation in $2006. Last year, the highest paid hedge fund manager hauled in $1.7 billion, the highest paid CEO made $647 million, and the average worker made $34,861, with vanishing health and pension coverage.”
“The top 1 percent of households — average income $1.5 million — will save a collective $79.5 billion on their 2008 taxes, reports Citizens for Tax Justice. That’s more than the combined budgets of the Transportation Department, Small Business Administration, Environmental Protection Agency and Consumer Product Safety Commission.”
It’s past time for Congress to roll back the tax cuts!
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