Research calculator

Here’s something cool for all of you with kids who are of an age where they’re starting to do more complicated research projects for school. It’s a research project calculator aimed at K-12 kids. You type in a few details (like the date you’ll begin the project, the date it’s due, whether it’s to be an essay, a powerpoint, etc.) and then the site gives you a detailed schedule with steps to take in order, and a calendar which notes the dates by which the steps need to be completed. It will then email you the schedule. Pretty nifty! Of course, for people like me who can procrastinate endlessly (why do you think I’m posting to my blog so much this morning? because I have a writing project whose deadline is rapidly approaching) this kind of calculator might not help much. But for kids just learning how to do complicated projects, I think it could be very useful. And it’s made available free by the Minnesota Electronic Library folk!