Women’s ordination
This past Sunday I had the privilege of being present when two more women were ordained to the Roman Catholic priesthood, and three to the diaconate, here in Minneapolis. It was a wonderful liturgy — made even more so by the more than 350 people gathered to celebrate together. I realize that the process will be considered completely illicit by the hierarchy, but it was also clear that the Spirit was breathing into and with us. I was surprised by how moved I was. While I tend to support women’s ordination, it’s not been a consuming passion for me because I’m not convinced that it will radically alter clerical culture — I really think we need to fundamentally rethink what we mean by leadership in communities of faith. Still, it was undeniably powerful to have the table surrounded by women in priestly vestments, and to hear the compelling prayers of the liturgy spoken in female voices.
There was also something profoundly hope-filled and energizing to me, to meet some of the many people there, because most of them were in their 50’s, 60’s and 70’s, and clearly committed long term to the Roman Catholic community. These were women and men who have hung in there for a long time, who are — many of them — very well trained theologically, and who are active in local parishes. But they are also committed to listening to the Spirit and following Jesus, and thus found themselves on a Sunday afternoon sharing in a celebration of new leadership in the church. Alleluia, Amen!
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1 Comment
scribbler commented on 16 August 2007:This is so great. I have followed several stories of women being ordained into the RC priesthood out on ships in open water (to avoid controversy with the local diacese, etc...) so I am excited to learn more about this. Thanks for sharing this, and God's blessings on their ministry and the movement that they continue to live in.