Living in Europe…

Thanks to AKMA for the link to this post. Aside from the library comment, the cheese stuff, and the signage, we have experienced all of these in Austria! (Well, not so much the "saying goodbye" at the gym, but it’s DEFINITELY true in a doctor’s waiting room — where you should also say "guten tag" to all the people waiting when you arrive.) All of these things make a real difference in all sorts of daily activities. Just ask Eric sometime about the "tricks" he’s seen people try at the local swimming pool! I would add to the list that there is no such thing as "over the counter" drugs, if you mean walking into a store and buying aspirin or something. EVERYTHING remotely drug-like (even beauty creams that supposedly affect your skin) is sold in an apotheke (sort of like a pharmacy), where you can also get help from the pharmacists who prepare the "recipes" (rather than prescriptions).