Letty Russell has died

I’ve just learned that Letty Russell died on Thursday. Her writing has inspired more than one generation of feminist theologians, and I was privileged to take a course she taught back in the 80’s while an undergraduate at Yale. She is one of the faculty who have inspired me to believe that being a scholar does NOT mean leaving behind one’s activism. As more tributes come (and I’m certain they will!), I’ll post links here.

1 Comment

RevDeb commented on 15 July 2007:

Oh Mary, I hadn't heard. Thank you for sending this through the web.
This fall women and men in the Twin Cities will be reading together the book Letty Russell and Phyllis Tribble edited recently called Hagar, Sarah and Their Children. On October 18 and 19th Phyllis will be speaking and particpating in a panel discussion around the theme of this book. http://www.stthomas.edu/jpc...
This web site has the details of the information. Luther Seminary is a sponsor of this event.